K4 Locking Nut
The components below show how the K4 is locked using an M10 set screw with spigot extension that extends into the nut which contains 9 holes around the perimeter.
Photo's of the boss will show 8 tapped M10 threads around the rear boss perimeter.
Using the Vernier principle - one of these hole sets will align every 360º / ( 8 x 9 ) or 5º. So the nut is first tightened with the square drive socket - adjusted a few degrees either way to align a hole set - then the M10 spigot is tightened down into the aligned hole set and the nut will then remain securely locked.
Additional M10 set screws are then inserted into the remaining 7 threads to keep them clean and ensure balance.
We do not yet have a recorded instance of a K4 unit coming off in service.