Initial Enquiry Information
For an initial enquiry - please cut the following headings from this document and paste them into an e-mail.
Bypass the information if unknown - we will have many of the technical details. This allows us to estimate propeller diameter and as we price by inches of diameter to provide a delivered price estimate by relevant currency.
Complete the relevant information alongside each entry in the e-mail and then send to:
- Your name:
- Contact Phone #:
- Country Location:
- Vessel in Transit customs status if relevant
- Type of vessel:
- Where built: NZ built vessels often have non-standard shaft taper / key / threads
- Engine Model #'s:
- Saildrive Model # if fitted:
- Reduction Ratio of gearbox for shaft installations:
- Direction of Rotation - Viewed from Astern facing forward. All Saildrives are normally Left Handed
- Shaft Diameter: ISO metric in mm - Imperial in Inches eg 1.250"
- Timing requirements if any
Another option is to print out and complete the order sheet below, scan it and attach in an mail to
Please always read our limited liability warranty before ordering
Also available in PDF format here..